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Principal`s Message

Shweta Tagde

Intellectuals solve problems genius prevent them”.

“Education is our passport to the future, tomorrow belongs to those who prepare it for today.”

We have taken up completely a new turn for blooming up the education system by striving for the excellence in every possible field and achieving it in a spectacular manner. Our motto “Goodness before Greatness” not only goes for a rigorous scholastic programme, but also we seek to develop and nurture different facets of a student. It is our philosophy that recognizes the unique physical, social, emotional and intellectual qualities of the students. In order to provide growth atmosphere, the school provides students to verbalize their opinions, opportunity to experience success, inputs in educational processe, desired freedom of expression encourage and guide them for trust building and decision making.

Today’s students are the future’s nation builders. Hence, the school aims to focus on preparing the students to meet the upcoming challenges in a proactive manner by inculcating the right values in their life and developing the spirit of equality, fraternity, brotherhood and nationalism. In addition, school focus to make the students viable and continuous sharping their soft skills and provides mental preparation so that the students can undertake the cut – throat and ever increasing global competition pressure and challenges confidently without any negative mindset.

The school provides a holistic learning environment and facilitates to have an open communication and interaction between teachers, students and parents under the able guidance and motivation of our visionary and a competent principal.

Our parameters for measuring the success however, we do not simply rely upon the statistics. We also examine and check the quality of relationships and level of internal and external interactions. We make the students learn, earn the respect and develop understanding for each other. We understand their needs, as an important factor of student’s success is the involvement and attention of parent’s/guardian’s and their support and interest is well reflected through the accomplishments and success of our students.

We are looking forward to work with you and your child. So let’s plan together and contribute for another successful and a great academic year.